CADAMComputer-graphics augmented design and manufacturing |
CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor)A charge, expressed as a percentage of a base rate, that is applied to compensate ocean carriers of currency fluctuations |
CALContainer Announcement List |
Calculation of Voyage CostsCalculation carried out by the owner and/or his broker before concluding an agreement for a voyage charter in order to find out whether such transaction will be profitable and to obtain the basis for comparing several loading offers |
Call LetterDistinctive signal of a ship; a ship can be called wireless on sea via the call letter. Syn.: Call Sign |
Call SignSeries of letters and figures identifying a ship through which the ship can be reached via satellite for phone calls or telexes. Each ship in the world has an individual call sign |
CAMComputer-aided engineering |
CametA Customs document permitting the holder to temporarily carry or send merchandise into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds |
Canceled B/LUsed to cancel a processed B/L usually per shipper!/s request. (different from a voided B/L). |