Air WaybillThe forwarding agreement or carrying agreement between shipper and air carrier and is issued only in non-negotiable form |
AIUAmerican International Underwriters: an association of US American insurance companies |
ALALCAsociacion Latino-Americana des Armadores: association of shipowners of the member states of the Latin American Free Trade Zone (ALALC) |
Alameda CorridorLocated in southern Los Angeles County, California, running from the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles 20 miles north to downtown Los Angeles, primarily along and adjacent to Alameda Street. It is a series of bridges, underpasses, overpasses and street improvements that separate freight trains from street traffic and passenger trains, facilitating a more efficient transportation network." |
ALBAmerical Land Bridge |
ALDEPAutomated Layout Design Program |
All BargeThe delivery of goods to and from the seagoing vessel carried out exclusively by barge/inland vessel. This is common practice in some US seaports (e.g. New Orleans) when establishing through rates |
All Container ShipA seagoing vessel principally designed and built for transporting containers |
All in RateA sea freight rate including all extra costs and discounts Syn: lump sum, flat-rate freight |
All RailAmerican forwarding clause: the delivery of goods to and from the vessel exclusively by rail |