Port of EntryPort where cargo is unloaded and enters a country |
Port of ExitPlace where cargo loaded and leaves a country |
Port of LoadingPort where cargo is transferred from one vessel to another |
Pratique CertificateLifts temporary quarantine of a vessel, granted by a Health Officer |
Pre-coolingA process employed in the shipment of citrus fruits and other perishable commodities. The fruit is packed and placed in a cold room from which the heat is gradually extracted. The boxes of fruit are packed in containers that have been thoroughly cooled and transported through to destination without opening the doors |
Prepaid Freight (Pgd.)Freight paid by the shipper to the carrier when merchandise is tendered for shipment. Not refundable if the merchandise does not arrive at the intended destination |
Pro forma InvoiceAn invoice provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent, their value and specifications (weight, size, etc.) |
Pro RataA Latin term, “In proportion.” |
Project RateSingle tariff item, established to move multiple commodities needed for a specified project, usually construction |