Time CharterA contract for leasing between ship owners and the lessee. It would state the duration of the lease in years or voyages |
Time DraftA draft that matures either a certain number of days after acceptance or a certain number of days after the date of the draft |
Time of DemurrageTime commencing after expiry of a loading/unloading period stipulated in a voyage charter. The shipper must pay demurrage to the carrier for the time of demurrage |
Time SheepMinutes drawn up by the agent or his representative on the completed loading and unloading time of a ship. It serves as the basis for calculating dispatch money or demurrage charges |
Time Volume ArrangementAgreement between a Conference and shippers on reduced rates for a limited period of time if they ship a certain minimum tonnage with Conference owners |
Time-Volume-RateRate agreed upon in a Time Volume Agreement |
TIR (Transport Internationaux par la Route)Road transport operating agreement among European governments and the United States for the international movement of cargo by road. Display of the TIR carnet allows sealed containerloads to cross national frontiers without inspection |
TKRTrans Korean Railway |
TLAbbreviation for Trailer Load |