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Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary


A gas produced by many fruits and vegetables that accelerates the ripening and aging process


Estimated time of sailing


Elevating transfer vehicle

Ex - From

When used in pricing terms such as “Ex-Factory” or “Ex-Dock,” it signifies that the price quoted applies only at the point of origin indicated

Ex Dec

Shipper’s Export Declaration


Notations made when the cargo is received at the carrier’s terminal or loaded aboard a vessel. They show any irregularities in packaging or actual or suspected damage to the cargo. Exceptions are then noted on the bill of lading

Exchange Rate

The price of one currency in terms of another; i.e., the number of units of one currency that may be exchanged for one unit of another currency

EXIM Bank (Export Import Bank)

An independent US Government Agency which facilitates exports of US goods by providing loan guarantees and insurance for repayment of bank-provided export credit

Expiry Date

Issued in connection with documents such as letters of credit, tariffs, etc. to advise that stated provisions will expire at a certain time


Shipment of goods outside one’s own country to a foreign country

오시는 길

서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구