Shipping Glossary
EthyleneA gas produced by many fruits and vegetables that accelerates the ripening and aging process |
ETSEstimated time of sailing |
ETVElevating transfer vehicle |
Ex - FromWhen used in pricing terms such as “Ex-Factory” or “Ex-Dock,” it signifies that the price quoted applies only at the point of origin indicated |
Ex DecShipper’s Export Declaration |
ExceptionNotations made when the cargo is received at the carrier’s terminal or loaded aboard a vessel. They show any irregularities in packaging or actual or suspected damage to the cargo. Exceptions are then noted on the bill of lading |
Exchange RateThe price of one currency in terms of another; i.e., the number of units of one currency that may be exchanged for one unit of another currency |
EXIM Bank (Export Import Bank)An independent US Government Agency which facilitates exports of US goods by providing loan guarantees and insurance for repayment of bank-provided export credit |
Expiry DateIssued in connection with documents such as letters of credit, tariffs, etc. to advise that stated provisions will expire at a certain time |
ExportShipment of goods outside one’s own country to a foreign country |