Company Information


Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary


Unit used in comparing freight earnings or expenses. The amount earned from the cost of hauling a ton of freight one mile. The movement of a ton of freight one mile


Generally refers to freight handled

Tons Deadweight All Told

Capacity of a ship to carry a certain load. The carrying capacity is determined as follows: Water displacement of the ship loaded up to the highest permissible loading line in t (Gross Deplacement) ./. water displacement of the unloaded ship in t (Net Deplacement or Net Weight Ship)

Tons Registered

Measuring unit for the volume of ships according to Oslo survey: 1 RT = 2.8315 cm = 100 츌

Top-Air Delivery

A type of air circulation in a container. Air is drawn from the bottom of the container, filtered through the evaporator for cooling and then forced through the ducted passages along the top of the container. This type of airflow requires a special loading pattern


Distortion of the ship in the ship's longitudinal direction, mostly caused by uneven load distribution or waves


Terms of trade

Total Loss

Term from marine hull insurance. There are three types: a) Actual Total Loss: Ship is no longer operable due to irreparable damage. b) Constructive Total Loss: Economic total loss: Constructed event insured if repair of the ship is not reasonable and repair costs exceed the insured sum. c) Arranged Total Loss: Assuming a total loss although the ship is fully operable but the owner no longer has command of the same


The assistance of harbour crafts in steering and leading seagoing vessels into the harbour area


The charge made for towing a vessel

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서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구