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Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary


The person or company who is usually the supplier or owner of commodities shipper. Also called, consignor

Shipper's Export Declaration (SED, !0Ex Dec!1)

A joint Bureau of Census International Trade Administration form used for compiling US export control laws. It is completed by a shipper and shows the value, weight, destination, etc. of export shipments as well as Schedule B commodity code

Shipper's Instructions

Shipper's communications (s) to its agent and/or directly to the international water-carrier. Instructions may be varied, for example, specific details/clauses to be printed on the bill of lading, directions for pick-up and delivery

Shipper's Load (SL/C)

Shipments loaded and sealed by shippers and not checked or verified by the carriers

Shipper’s Association

A non-profit entity that represents the interests of a number of shippers. The main focus of shippers associations is to pool the cargo volumes of members to leverage the most favorable service contract rate levels

Shipping Act of 1916

The act of Congress (1916) that created the U.S. Shipping Board to develop water transportation, operate the merchant ships owned by the government and regulate the water carriers engaged in commerce under the flag of the United States. As of June 18, 1984, applies only to domestic offshore ocean transport

Shipping Act of 1984

Effective June 18, 1984, describes the law covering water transportation in the U.S. foreign trade

Shipping Order

Shipper's instructions to carrier for forwarding goods; usually the triplicate copy of the bill of lading

Ship’s Bells

Time measure onboard ship. One bell sounds for each half hour. One bell means 12:30. Two bells mean 1:00. Three bells mean 1:30 and so on, until 4:00 (eight bells). At 4:30, the cycle begins again with one bell

Ship’s Manifest

A statement listing the particulars of all shipments loaded to one shipment for a specified voyage

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서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구