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Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary

Quarter Deck

Quarter deck which is half the height of a deck higher than the foredeck and serves to adjust the loss in volume caused by the shaft tunnel


The bank of a harbour reinforced by steel sheet pilings and armoured concrete slabs to which ships can be towed

Quay Acceptance

Part of the shipping note used as a working paper for quay operations. It is used as a basis for calculating terminal/harbour dues payable by the forwarder

Quay Delivery Application

Document issued for goods delivered to the harbour sheds but are not intended to be shipped. Such goods can be material required for repairs at the terminal

Quay Handling Charge

General term for a charge payable for the handling of goods on the quay. For outward traffic the charges are borne by the party issuing the shipping note, for inward traffic they are borne by the consignee. Quay handling charges including warehouse dues, if any, are also called cargo handling charges. For container traffic the special term terminal handling charge is used

Quay Operation Rules

Regulations defining the amount payable for quay operations, e.g. the quay handling charges and the quay dues

Quay Receipt

Part of the shipping note which the forwarder receives from the quay administration after delivery of the goods to the quay. It serves as a warehouse receipt; after loading the B/L is handed over upon presentation of the receipt. Also: Dock Receipt. Receiving Note

Quay Release Application

Document issued for goods which were already delivered to a quay but must be released again. A reason for this procedure might be that the goods are no longer intended to be shipped from this terminal

Quay Sheds

Large one-storey hall connected to trains and roads at the harbour quays in which general cargo can be stored, sorted, checked and probably repacked until being shipped on. The quay sheds also house the freight station for LCL containers

Quay Tariff

Part of the quay operation rules. Tariff containing the dues for services of quay interchange agents

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서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구