Company Information


Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary



Packing List

Itemized list of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated

Paired Ports

A US Customs program wherein at least two designated Customs ports will enter cargo that arrives at either port without the necessity of an inbound document




A platform (usually two-deck), with or without sides, on which a number of packages or pieces may be loaded to facilitate handling by a lift truck

Paper Ramp

A technical rail ramp, used for equalization of points not actually served

Paper Rate

A published that is never assessed because no freight moves under it

Parcel Receipt

An arrangement whereby a steamship company, under rules and regulations established in the freight tariff of a given trade, accepts small packages at rates below the minimum bill of lading, and issues a parcel receipt instead of a bill of lading

Partial Containerships

Multipurpose containerships where one or more but not all compartments are fitted with permanent container cells. Remaining compartments are used for other types of cargo


A party named in an instrument as the beneficiary of the funds. Under letters of credit, the payee is either the drawer of the draft or a bank

오시는 길

서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구